10 quick brain hacks





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We make it up anyway

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2018

we construct our reality.

xyz of the brain ..... blah blah


make up something supportive - your brain, mood (partner and work colleabues) will thank you

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Is it time for a new story?

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2018

I found myself thinking about why I couldn't do all the things I wanted to do.  I went on and on in my head, justifying why certain things couldnt happen, until it hit me - all of this was just a story. In fact a collection of stories that I was using to create my reality.

I decided it was time for a different story.

Did it change the ending - it probably will with time.  Not in that instance however what did happen is that I felt more in control, more buoyant, more able to make clear decisions, and just chirpier and more positive. I liked my new story better. rather than feeling helpless and at the mercy waiting for other people to make decisions, I felt like I could make decisions and move in the direction I wanted to go. 

as I felt empowered to mak

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What is this left brain right brain thing anyway?

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2018

how true is that men are left brained and women right brained?

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